the hotel price comparison site

About All Hotels Go

We are a hotel price comparison website, not a booking agency, designed with the mission to make it easy for you to search and compare the best value travel accommodation

Hotel Room Rates ComparedCompare prices from hotels and online agents websites

Hotels WorldwideAll types of accommodation from b&b's to 5 star hotels

Hotel Prices Side by SideOver 4 million hotel room rates and deals compared

Best Price Guaranteed


All Hotels Go - About Us ...

Compare Hotels Prices Find the Best Hotel Deals
Compare the latest prices and availability from leading travel and hotel reservation websites with one search

Refine Search ResultsEasily Refine Search Results
Filter results by price, facilities, popularity, location, star ratings and more to quickly find your perfect hotel

Hotel Descriptions Hotel Information and Photos
Comprehensive description, listing of facilities and photographs provided for each of the hotels

Hotel ReviewsUnbiased Hotel Reviews
Previous guests reviews from trusted sources for an unbiased opinion of your chosen hotel

Best Price GuaranteedLowest Online Prices Guaranteed
Difference refunded if you find the same room at a lower price after booking via All Hotels Go. T&C's apply

We launched in 2008 as an informational and price comparison website, not a booking agency, designed with the mission to make it easy for you to find and compare the best value travel accommodation for both business and leisure.

The website is published by Miravista Travel a British based and registered company that has been operating online travel websites since 1999 and whose directors have more than 30 years travel experience including over 15 years online.

What We Do

We provide an easy to use hotel price comparison search facility that has been designed to compare the latest availability and room rates from both hotels and the leading online reservation websites with one search. Competitors room rates are shown side by side allowing you to easily compare prices and obtain the best deals available.

The search results can easily be tailored to your own individual requirements by using the filters to list results not just by price but instead by location, facilities, star rating, popularity and more.

We currently compare in excess of 4 million room rates at more than 250,000 hotels worldwide from all the leading reservation specialists

Independent and Unbiased

We do not accept any form of paid listings or incentives to promote suppliers within the search results which enables us to provide you with a totally unbiased price comparison service.

Since Miravista Travel operate a number of travel related websites we may have entered into either direct or indirect commercial relationships with some of the companies compared but this does not influence the results of the search facility provided on the All Hotels Go website.

Since we do not sell or arrange bookings through the All Hotels Go website when you have chosen your accommodation and supplier you simply click through to make your reservation directly with your selected hotel, accommodation provider, agent or travel company on their own website.

No Added Fees or Commissions

Our search facility is completely free to use and we add no fees or commissions since you book directly with your chosen supplier on their own website just the same as if you had visited their site initially.

How we are Funded

When you follow a link from this site to a hotel or reservation site some suppliers may make a small referral payment (often just a few cents/pence) irrespective of whether or not you decide to make a reservation. This is called 'pay per click' and it is these small payments that enable us to publish and maintain the website.