the hotel price comparison site

Best Price Hotel Guarantee

Should you find your hotel room at a lower online rate after you have booked with a site listed on All Hotels Go, we will refund you the difference, provided that this lower rate is available on a website. T&C's apply

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Best Price Guaranteed


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Compare the latest prices and availability from leading travel and hotel reservation websites with one search

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Best Price GuaranteedLowest Online Prices Guaranteed
Difference refunded if you find the same room at a lower price after booking via All Hotels Go. T&C's apply

Best Price Guarantee Terms and Conditions

We want you to pay the lowest price possible for your hotel. Should you find your hotel room at a lower online rate after you have booked with a site listed on All Hotels Go, our partners* will refund you the difference, provided that this lower rate is available on a website:

  • Other than those websites available for booking on All Hotels Go, and
  • Other than the official hotel site, accessible from the hotel page on All Hotels Go, via the “official site” link.
You must contact us within 24 hours of making your booking to be eligible for the Best Price Guarantee.

Conditions apply:
  1. The lower rate must be available on the website that is not participating in All Hotels Go comparison process.
  2. You must book your room with the best priced booking provider having used All Hotels Go.
  3. As hotel prices can change frequently, you must contact us by email at within 24 hours of purchasing your hotel room from the lowest priced booking provider using All Hotels Go. Your email should include the following information: your name, reservation number, copy of the confirmation e-mail/voucher and the website where the lower rate is available. Incomplete or inaccurate emails will not be taken into account.
  4. The guarantee is not applicable for same day bookings.
  5. The guarantee only applies in respect of a lower rate that is available for online booking. The lower online rate must be bookable when we validate your claim, within the 24 hour period, screen shots will not be accepted as proof.
  6. The lower rate must be found online for an equivalent room at the same hotel as booked through the best priced booking provider using All Hotels Go on the same check-in and check-out dates with the same booking conditions.
  7. The lower rate must be in the same currency.
  8. All Hotels Go will only refund the difference between the rate found on the lowest priced booking provider that participates with All Hotels Go and the lower rate if your reservation through the All Hotels Go participating provider is completed and not cancelled and not subject of a no-show.
  9. "Best Price Guarantee" does not apply to hotel rooms purchased through or in combination with membership rates, frequent stay, loyalty points or other "reward" type programs or special promotions of the hotel where the booking is made. Lower rates available through opaque sites where the exact hotel isn't known until after booking are also excluded from the guarantee.
  10. If your claim is successful the “Price Difference Refund” will be issued within 30 days after the check-out date of your reservation with the best priced booking provider listed on All Hotels Go.
  11. Payment can be made to PayPal accounts, US and Australian bank accounts.

* All Hotels Go is not involved in the actual booking transaction and refunds will be paid direct to you by our search or supplier partners